Program Goals

Korean for Non-Heritage Speakers

K1A/K1B: Elementary Korean [Novice-mid level in ACTFL proficiency level]
The course is tailored to non-heritage learners of Korean with minimal or no prior knowledge of the language. Students will develop basic language skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing, with a particular focus on self-related and day-to-day topics. Starting with learning the Korean alphabet, Hangul, students will be able to engage in simple conversational exchanges on a variety of everyday topics using formulaic and memorized expressions. Cultural aspects of Korea will also be explored through various media sources and a range of activities. Prerequisites: K1A: None, K1B: K1A or consent of the instructor

After completing the course, students should be able to

  1. Communicate in simple, everyday situations by using practiced or memorized words, phrases, and simple sentences
  2. Interact with others to meet their needs related to everyday activities including asking and giving directions, apologizing and explaining reasons, arranging appointments, and requesting and responding to invitations, in both verbal and written forms
  3. Express likes and dislikes
  4. Understand basic written and spoken forms of communication about familiar topics such as personal and family information, daily routine, fields of study, college life, vacation, and shopping
  5. Comprehend the differences between polite and deferential speech styles and apply them appropriately to reflect the interpersonal relationship and social context  
  6. Create and present role-plays and individual narratives by using present, past, and future tenses about self, friends, family, or topics of interest
  7. Acquire a deeper understanding of the Korean language and culture by engaging in authentic materials such as songs, TV shows, and films

K10A/BIntermediate Korean [Intermediate low and mid level in ACTFL proficiency level]              
This course is designed as an intermediate Korean course for non-heritage students who have an equivalent level of Korean who took an elementary Korean course. While equal attention will be given to all four areas of language skills - speaking, listening, reading and writing, this course aims to promote not just communicative competence of the students but also deepen their understanding of Korean culture and society with diverse media materials. While students will continue to develop their language skills for various everyday situations as well as extended communication needs, their cross-cultural awareness between Korean and English or their mother tongue, will also be enhanced. Prerequisite: K10A:  K1B or the consent of the instructor,  K10B K 10A or consent of the instructor

After completing the course, students should be able to…

  1. Extend the words and expressions of intermediate low to mid level and acquire more speech styles in Korean such as intimate and plain speech style. This will enable students to express themselves and communicate in a wider range of situations, effectively engaging with recipients of varying social status and interpersonal dynamics in both informal and formal settings.
  2. Extend the repertoire of speech acts beyond statements and questions, including making phone calls, offering advice, giving compliments and responding accordingly, commenting on appearances and seeking advice. Additionally, students will gain clearer awareness of linguistic differences between Korean and English.
  3. Exchange ideas on familiar topics such as weather, fashion, travel, hobbies, traditional holidays and majors not just while speaking, but also in writing via emails and cards.
  4. Participate in conversations across diverse everyday situations such as in stores, post offices, public transportation, hair salons and hospitals, and also to be able to request information in writing.
  5. Understand and appreciate the others’ messages in various modes including multimodal media texts such as dramas, movies, ads, interviews, etc.
  6. Be able to raise awareness of the multilingual and multicultural aspects of writings shown in online space.
  7. Deliver a formal oral presentation on familiar topics mentioned above, and present and share their ideas in writings using various means of meaning-making on those topics in diverse genres such as journal, invitation cards, letters and movie reviews. 
  8. Gain a better understanding of cultural nuances behind Korean colloquial expressions and current media content and also to enhance intercultural understanding by comparing  Korean culture and that of  America and/or students’ mother countries.
  9. Cultivate a sense of community by sharing students' everyday life and learning experiences on a shared online platform  and collaborative group projects.

K100A/K100B: Advanced Korean [Advanced low level in ACTFL proficiency level]
This course is designed for non-heritage learners who have completed intermediate Korean or have demonstrated an equivalent proficiency level by completing an intermediate Korean course. Students will be trained to listen, speak, read, and write about abstract topics that extend beyond daily life, encompassing subjects such as society, community, and global issues. Additionally, students will engage in interactive activities to explore cultural similarities and differences using a variety of media resources. The class will incorporate various asynchronous components, allowing students to develop as both independent and cooperative learners. Furthermore, through individual and group projects, students will foster a sense of community and enhance their critical thinking skills. Prerequisites: K100A: K10B or the consent of the instructor, K100B: K100A or consent of the instructor

After completing the course, students should be able to…

  1. Narrate stories about life, experiences, and events in a detailed manner.
  2. Express opinions and feelings on unfamiliar abstract topics.
  3.  deliver clear and fluent presentations on topics of personal interest, using organized paragraphs and providing detailed examples.
  4.  Comprehend the main storyline and some details of written and oral fables, as well as written and spoken informational texts.
  5.  Interact and negotiate in familiar situations, providing detailed explanations and suggesting solutions.
  6.  Familiarize themselves with colloquial and spoken Korean.

Deepen their understanding of cultural differences and verbally explain them using specific examples and the underlying thoughts behind them.

Korean for Heritage Speakers

K1AX/BX: Elementary Korean for Heritage speakers [Novice-high level in ACTFL proficiency level]
These courses are designed for heritage speakers to foster lifelong learning of their heritage language by focusing on developing the balanced four language skills and nurturing a profound connection to cultural heritage. Starting with lessons on the Korean alphabet, students will learn how to engage in daily conversation within familiar contexts. Considering the needs of heritage learners, the curriculum emphasizes enhancing interpersonal communication skills for meaningful engagement with family and community members and instilling active learning skills using media and web-based resources that could be practiced beyond the class. Continuous feedback from instructors and self-reflective writing conferences help heritage speakers address habitual errors and work towards achieving their linguistic goals. Prerequisites: K1AX: None, K1BX: K1AX or consent of the instructor

After completing the course, students should be able to…

  1. Identify the general topic and some basic information in both very familiar and everyday contexts in spoken, written, and various media forms. 
  2. Understand everyday conversational Korean, identify common dialogue patterns, grasp basic cultural contexts, recognize cultural norms, interpret elementary media texts and visuals, deduce new word meanings from context, and broaden their vocabulary through diverse novice-high-level readings.
  3. Communicate in spontaneous spoken, written, or tele conversations (text and voice chat) on both very familiar and everyday topics. 
  4. Deliver short presentations, create dialogues, summarize, and express opinions, enhancing elementary vocabulary and memorized expressions while incorporating cultural elements in spoken and written form.
  5. Recognize cultural nuances and cultural references and use cultural information in communication. 
  6. Raise awareness about Korean American culture through various cultural activities involved with Korean American identity. 
  7. Build strong communities within the class and broader Korean-speaking communities by sharing their works and interacting through various activities. 
  8. Develop critical thinking skills by being encouraged to think critically about why certain grammatical structures and cultures are the way they are.  
  9. Use practiced formats, use nonverbal cues, repetition, and first language support, or incorporate visuals and notes to enhance their presentational communication.

K10AX/BX: Intermediate Korean for Heritage Speakers [Intermediate mid and high level in ACTFL proficiency level]
This course is designed for intermediate low to intermediate medium level of Korean heritage speakers. This course will meet the linguistic needs of heritage language students to deepen proficiency in speaking, listening, reading, and writing, with an emphasis on refining grammar and vocabulary usage. Cultural competence will be further enhanced through readings, presentations, and discussions, and multimedia resources. Specifically, selected readings and various genres of media including short essays, poems, newspaper articles, TV commercials, documentaries, and interviews will be introduced Prerequisite: K10AX:  K1BX or the consent of the instructor,  K10BX: K 10AX or consent of the instructor

After completing the course, students should be able to…

1. Understand and interpret the information from authentic materials such as weather forecasts, newspaper articles, commercial advertisements, and job postings 

2. Engage in meaningful conversations on familiar topics including hairstyle, fashions, hobbies, housings, holidays, illness, and career goals with both fluency and accuracy 

3. ​​Effectively communicate their feelings and emotions, including regrets, wishes, and hesitations, as well as convey new discoveries, give compliments, and respond to compliments

4. Deliver an oral presentation, clearly expressing ideas and opinions while providing detailed reports on current events and news in Korea

5. Write beyond a paragraph level across different types of writing—expository, persuasive, narrative, and descriptive—using an appropriate speech style

6. Compare cultural differences, reflect on their own cultural experiences, and promote a deeper understanding and appreciation of Korean culture, history, and society

7. Participate in group discussions, share personal experiences, and give detailed explanations about various cultural aspects

K100AX/BX: Advanced Korean for Heritage Speakers  [Advanced-low to mid level in ACTFL proficiency level]
This course is designed for Korean heritage speakers at an intermediate high to advanced low level. It aims to enhance their ability to discuss concrete and factual topics in both informal and formal contexts, with a particular focus on family-related situations. The curriculum covers autobiographical and formal topics, emphasizing social issues and matters of public interest. To improve interpretive ability, the course includes advanced grammar, vocabulary, expression, idiomatic expressions, basic Chinese characters, and proverbs. Interpersonal skills are refined through participation in class discussions, while presentation skills are developed through formal presentations and various writing assignments. Prerequisites: K100AX: K10BX or the consent of the instructor, K100BX: K100AX or consent of the instructor

After completing the course, students should be able to…

  1. Express and comprehend abstract and somewhat specialized content using social and cultural knowledge.
  2. Navigate social interactions in everyday situations, maintaining awareness of sentence structure, comprehending abstract content, utilizing social and cultural knowledge, managing unexpected complications, and responding appropriately in formal contexts.
  3. Speak appropriately in complex situations or formal settings, engage in conversations, discussions, debate, and presentations about abstract and somewhat complex events and experiences in various time frames.
  4. Summarize and speak from readings or aural materials.
  5. Explain more complex and abstract concepts, provide reasoning, and express opinions. Also to write organized paragraphs about events and experiences in various time frames.
  6. Be familiar with the topic and to clearly develop arguments using simple syntax that allows for the understanding of lengthy texts with abstract or specialized content. Additionally, to recognize structures and expressions specific to genres such as essays, articles, stories, etc.
  7. Read textbooks, reference books, and materials, as well as understand abstract, specialized, and complex lengthy texts regardless of the genre.
  8. Gain a deeper understanding of Korean culture by learning hanja (Chinese characters), idiomatic expressions, four-character idioms, and proverbs.
Upper-Level Korean for Both Heritage and Non-Heritage Learners

K101: Fourth Year Readings, Korean Literature [Advanced mid to high in ACTFL proficiency level]
This course is designed to help students acquire mid-advanced to high-advanced proficiency in reading and writing as well as speaking and listening in the Korean language and deepen students’ knowledge of Korean literature through authentic literature texts, visual materials, presentations, and discussion. The focus will be on identifying and appreciating the most salient themes, forms, and references related to social, cultural, spiritual, and even political development in Korea. The curriculum also encourages students to engage in group learning processes as well as fostering independent thinking and self-expression. Prerequisites: Korean 100B/BX; or consent of the instructor.

By the end of the semester, students should be able to…

  1. Understand, analyze, and derive complex meanings from Korean literary texts, especially the literature works, connecting themes and ideas to broader cultural, historical, or social contexts.
  2. Understand and interpret nuanced arguments and narratives in Korean literature, discern attitudes, infer emotions, and recognize metaphors from various genres of authentic materials.
  3. Use advanced Korean language skills to engage in meaningful discussions on specialized topics and cultural awareness.
  4. Handle spontaneous interactions, demonstrating the ability to adapt language use for different situations, contexts, and conversational partners.
  5. Deliver eloquent and well-structured oral presentations individually and in groups, addressing specific genres, backgrounds, abstract concepts, and specific literature topics.
  6. Write sophisticated essays, original works of fiction, and research papers that showcase advanced argumentation and an understanding of cultural and academic norms.
  7. Participate in group learning experiences that foster an appreciation for Korean literature and a nuanced understanding of Korean society, history, and literature. 
  8. Recognize 50 Chinese characters from level 7, understand 10 Korean idioms from "Alive Korean <idiom 60>", and 15 Chinese Four-Character idioms from "Alive Korean <Chinese Four-character idioms 50>"

K102: Fourth-Year Korean: Korean society through current issues [Advanced mid to high level in ACTFL proficiency level] 
This course is designed to help students achieve up to an advanced high level of proficiency in all aspects of Korean by deepening their knowledge of fast-changing contemporary Korean society through the lens of current issues. The emphasis is placed on the refining formal use of the Korean language through practices of advanced high expressions and grammar structures. This course promotes critical thinking skills, cultural and societal awareness, media literacy, research abilities, advanced communication techniques, and cross-cultural proficiency. To meet these objectives, the curriculum incorporates activities such as individual presentations on current issues, essay writing, book clubs, prepared debates on controversial social issues, and collaborative group presentations on films. These activities require students to apply their linguistic skills to analyze and discuss relevant current issues in Korean society. A variety of authentic materials including news articles, novels, media clips, and films based on true events, are utilized to support these goals. Prerequisites: Korean 100B/BX; or consent of the instructor.

After completing the course, students should be able to…

  1. Demonstrate near-native proficiency in a wide range of communicative tasks, speaking, writing, reading, and listening, across various social current issues including media materials. 
  2. Easily understand and discuss complex spoken and written discourse about current issues without any difficulties.
  3. Understand current issues and think critically about Korean society while being able to present their own ideas in both spoken and written tasks.
  4. Recognize Chinese characters (50 characters from level 7 of the Korean national Chinese character proficiency test). 
  5. Use and understand Korean idioms (10 idioms from the book Alive Korean <idiom 60>).
  6. Use and understand Chinese Four-Character idioms (15 idioms from the book Alive Korean <Chinese Four-character idioms 50>). 
  7. Produce well-organized and sophisticated written essays on a wide range of topics related to current issues and modern Korean society. 

K111 Fifth-Year Korean; Korean Culture and History [Advanced high to Superior level in ACTFL proficiency level]
This course is designed to enhance advanced students’ proficiency up to a superior level across all four language skills and deepen their understanding of the influence of history and politics on contemporary Korean culture. Major historical issues are covered in chronological order to the present time. Structured in a seminar format, students take active roles in a class by sharing their inquiries and findings on course materials. Class discussions, presentations, group projects, readings, movies, and various media materials will help students foster critical thinking skills and express their opinions on historical topics using superior levels of expression. Prerequisites: Korean 101 or Korean 102; or consent of instructor.

After completing the course, students should be able to…

  1. Understand spoken and written discourse on topics related to Korean culture and history. 
  2. Discern subtle cultural nuances in spoken language, showcasing an awareness of how language reflects historical and cultural contexts.
  3. Discuss Korean culture and history while articulating complex ideas and their ideas. 
  4. Engage in sophisticated conversations that reflect a high level of cultural competence, incorporating nuanced language use, cultural references, and historical knowledge.
  5. Achieve a superior level of comprehension of Korean culture and history, especially on the impact of historical controversies on contemporary Korean culture. 
  6. Recognize 50 characters from level 6 of the Korean national Chinese character proficiency test.
  7. Use and understand Korean idioms (15 idioms from the book Alive Korean  <idiom 60>).
  8. Use and understand Chinese Four-character idioms (15 idioms from the book Alive Korean <Chinese Four character idioms 50>).
  9. Produce well-organized and sophisticated essays and analyses related to Korean culture and history using information from various sources while understanding the intricate interplay between language, culture, and historical events. 

K112 Fifth-Year Readings: Korean for Research and Professional Use [Superior in ACTFL proficiency level]
This course is designed to help students acquire advanced to superior, possibly distinguished proficiency in reading, writing, communication, and presentation in the Korean language. Also, the course deepens students' knowledge of Korean society, current and critical issues, professional needs, and students' interests through authentic literature texts, visual materials, and discussion. The focus will be on interpreting, analyzing, and ultimately presenting the most salient themes, forms, and references related to Korea's social, political, economic, and scientific development. The curriculum also encourages students to engage in group learning and foster independent thinking and self-expression. Prerequisites: Korean 101 or Korean 102; or consent of instructor.

By the end of the semester, students should be able to…

  1. Adeptly interpret and critically evaluate Korean texts, gaining a nuanced understanding of their thematic depth and cultural significance to convey and discuss Korea's complex societal narratives.
  2. Comprehend and expertly interpret diverse literary and auditory materials, making inferences and critically distinguishing between facts and opinions to grasp the layered meanings and societal implications, participating in collaborative discussions.
  3. Deliver professional presentations adaptable to diverse audiences and contexts, articulating well-reasoned and compelling arguments on various topics from Korean culture to global affairs while utilizing sophisticated vocabulary and rhetorical techniques to engage and persuade listeners effectively.
  4. Present well-structured arguments using advanced language and critical insights on knowledge of Korean and global issues.
  5. Articulate and debate thoughts and opinions clearly and persuade others by articulating, reasoning, and hypothesizing discourse and diverse perspectives.
  6. Communicate effectively and fluently with others in diverse formal and informal contexts, utilizing cultural nuances, metaphors, and idioms.
  7. Achieve excellence in writing across genres by crafting structured and relevant texts, including academic writings, and refine editing skills.
  8. Understand 15 Chinese Four-Character idioms and recognize 50 ~70 advanced-level Chinese characters.

Korean 109: Korean Language in Popular Media [Advanced-mid level in ACTFL proficiency level]
This course is designed for students who aspire to advance their proficiency in the Korean language to an advanced-mid level through immersive engagement with Korean popular media. By analyzing a diverse range of media materials (such as photos, advertisements, video clips, news, movies/dramas, songs, blogs, newspaper articles, and editorials), students will deepen their understanding of Korean culture and society across past, present, and future contexts. Additionally, they will acquire advanced-level vocabulary, expressions, and proverbs to effectively articulate their opinions for formal speaking and writing. Active participation in class discussions, pros and cons debates, individual presentation as well as the group project (media curation on Korean culture), and completion of online assignments will be expected to foster critical thinking and communication skills. By the end of the semester, students should be able to confidently express their viewpoints on current cultural and social issues with appropriate formality. Prerequisites: Korean 100B/BX or consent of the instructor.

After completing the course, students should be able to…

  1. Access various media sources of their interest in Korean and understand their content.
  2. Analyze diverse media to deepen their insight into Korean culture, spanning various formats and historical contexts.
  3. Proficiently use advanced language for formal communication, including vocabulary and idiomatic expressions.
  4. Actively engage in everyday conversation to enhance critical thinking and communication skills.
  5. Confidently express nuanced viewpoints on cultural and social issues with appropriate linguistic formality.
  6. Work in groups to search for media materials related to specific cultural or social interests and present their findings publicly.
  7. Effectively enhance language skills through engagement with popular Korean media.

Korean 105: Business Korean [Superior level in ACTFL proficiency level]
This course is designed for students aiming to attain a superior level of proficiency in Korean specifically tailored for business settings, emphasizing the intricacies of workplace communication and cultural norms. Students will adeptly master pertinent workplace vocabulary, expressions, and professional conventions in both oral and written forms. Moreover, the curriculum will delve into essential aspects of Korean job culture, encompassing topics such as professional ethics, expectations, interpersonal dynamics, and practical survival skills. An immersive learning approach will be employed, culminating in a mock business project where students will collaboratively plan and develop a startup company, including crafting its business model, such as naming, logo creation, and product development. Subsequently, students will present their proposals to potential investors within the class setting, honing their presentation and negotiation skills. By the end of the semester, students will emerge equipped with the confidence and proficiency to adeptly navigate various facets of the professional Korean landscape, including job searches, application processes, interviews, job acceptances, and common workplace scenarios. Prerequisites: Korean 111/112 or consent of the instructor.

After completing the course, students should be able to…

  1. Share their work experiences or professional plans within a Korean-speaking environment, compare them with those of other countries, and offer advice to their peers.
  2. Understand advanced business terms and concepts in Korean within both domestic and global settings.
  3. Proficiently employ workplace language, both verbally and in writing, suitable for business contexts.
  4. Understand and adapt to Korean business culture, including professional norms and interpersonal dynamics.
  5. Collaborate effectively with peers to develop a business plan (startup company or new product), demonstrating practical business communication skills.
  6. Deliver compelling presentations and negotiate effectively in Korean, showcasing persuasive abilities.
  7. Independently navigate Korean professional environments, including job searches, applications, interviews, and workplace situations.
KLP Goals in terms of  ACTFL proficiency level scales